Our expertise covers all areas of individual labour law, such as employment contracts, the “Austrification” of foreign employment contracts, agreements in connection with the transfer of businesses, advice on the classification of collective agreements and the associated avoidance of wage and social dumping. Furthermore, we are happy to assist you with questions regarding target agreements and performance-related compensation, company pension agreements, staff reductions and company closures (downsizing), as well as the drafting of competition clauses, non-disclosure agreements and the termination of employment relationships (notice, dismissal or amicable termination).
In the area of working time law, we support you in the flexibilisation of working hours, flexitime agreements, all-inclusive agreements, all-in salaries, overtime agreements, partial retirement agreements, part-time work and overtime as well as the compensation of overtime.
Our areas of expertise include labour court litigation in all matters, in particular in the assertion of overtime claims, termination and dismissal appeal proceedings, as well as advice and representation in the event of termination of employment relationships where special protection against termination and dismissal exists (pregnant women, mothers, fathers, parental leave, works councils, etc.) We also represent you in administrative criminal proceedings, in particular under the Working Hours Act (Arbeitszeitgesetz), Closedown Act (Arbeitsruhegesetz), Employment of Foreign Nationals Act (Ausländerbeschäftigungsgesetz), Employee Protection Act (Arbeitnehmerschutzgesetz) and the Wage and Social Dumping Act (Lohn- und Sozialdumpingbekämpfungsgesetz, LSD-BG).