Company foundation & crowdfunding

“Founders are curious, highly motivated and always have their goal in mind. They want to create new things and let their ideas become reality. Our objective is to support you as an enthusiastic founder from the very beginning and to provide you with perfect legal advice. This way, you can concentrate on the essentials and develop your idea into something big.”

Company foundation & crowdfunding

In the beginning, there is an idea, a lot of commitment and idealism. Over time, more and more questions tend to arise: Which form of company is ideal? What needs to be regulated contractually? Can I have my idea protected or is it possible to apply for a patent? Our experts in the fields of business and company law provide advice and assistance to young entrepreneurs, guide you through the jungle of bureaucracy and cover your back from a legal perspective so that you are not held up by unexpected challenges. We find the optimal legal form, clarify legal questions related to financing and take care of registrations and permits. In order to increase the capital of a young company, alternative financing options such as crowdfunding and citizen participation models offer innovative options. We develop the concept and assist you throughout the entire implementation process.


Company foundation & crowdfunding


Early and competent legal advice on setting up a business can minimise costs and risks. In order to find the right legal form, three aspects are of particular importance: the form of financing, the liability of the owners and partners and the tax burden. We offer comprehensive and competent advice in choosing the ideal company form for you. We support you in the establishment of corporations and partnerships and assist you in your daily business. The great advantage of a capital company such as the GmbH or stock corporation is the limited liability of its shareholders, who in principle are only liable for raising the (minimum) capital contribution. A sole proprietorship, a general partnership or a limited partnership, on the other hand, always involves personal liability with private assets. Our competent team in the area of business and company law will provide you as a young entrepreneur with comprehensive advice and inform you about all risks and opportunities.



The search for a suitable form of financing is a legally and economically complex issue for a young company. Obtaining bank loans is becoming increasingly difficult and is often associated with conditions that many young entrepreneurs cannot meet. Besides classic loans, alternative financing options today offer committed young entrepreneurs alternate opportunities to raise capital. We know the opportunities and risks and will find the best way for you to finance the launch of your entrepreneurial venture!


The best-known form of alternative financing is crowdfunding, also known in the public sector as a citizen participation model. In crowdfunding, many investors provide relatively small amounts of money, thereby supporting as a group a business idea that they are convinced of and that they want to give a chance to grow. Our experts at TWP examine all options and possible forms of financing for you. Over the past years, we have gained a lot of knowledge and experience in this area and can advise your company to ensure a solid financial basis.



Young entrepreneurs do not need to be tax professionals, but they should seek advice in this area in good time. We will gladly help you find your way through the tax jungle. The first contact with the tax authorities takes place during the start-up phase. Within the first month, the business registration form must be completed. This should be done with care because the amount of advance payments of income tax and the collection of certain taxes depends on it. Subsequently, the company receives a tax number and, if applicable, a value added tax identification number (or VAT number).